Candidate Resource Center

This page includes information about the filing process, filing dates, campaign finance reporting requirements, a list of guides and other resources for candidates and their campaigns.  


Candidate Filing: Non-Judicial

March 4-15, 2024


A list of offices up for election can be found here: 

2024 Douglas County List of Offices up for Election

Candidate filing can be started through the Secretary of State’s online candidate filing website (this is optional and not required), but must be completed by booking an appointment (this is required) with the Douglas County Clerk’s Office during the candidate filing period. The appropriate filing fee must be paid at the time of filing and only cash, cashier’s check or certified check payable to Douglas County Clerk is accepted, no personal checks or credit cards are allowed per NRS 293.193.  Please contact [email protected] if you have any questions. 

Candidate Filing: Judicial

January 2-12, 2024


Pursuant to Senate Bill 418, questionnaires are required to be posted on the filing officers website. The questionnaire can be accessed by clicking on link below. Please print this completed questionnaire, and bring with you when you file for office in person. 

Completed questionnaires will be posted on the this page, once they are received. 

Douglas County Office of Elections
1616 8th St.
PO Box 218
Minden, NV 89423

Ph: (775) 783-6095
FAX: (775) 782-9016
[email protected]

Douglas County Elections