Sagebrush Sprouts Preschool

Douglas County has been offering a Preschool since 1982. It is an outreach program sponsored by Douglas County Community Services/Parks & Recreation Department. It is our policy to accept all eligible children, regardless of racial, cultural, religious or social-economic backgrounds.

Sagebrush Sprouts Preschool


Accepting Ages 3-6 years old. Must be potty trained. 

Our Philosophy

We believe that each child is a unique individual with many special abilities. Our job is to create a caring, loving and a rich learning environment. Children can explore, create, and learn in their own way, experiencing social skills, music & movement, science & cooking, arts & crafts, and school readiness activities. We also believe that interactions between generations develop strong bonds and life long friendships. In this type of environment, young children will learn that all people and all ages can interact well together. 

Our Program

The Preschool's activities are planned to benefit the child physically, mentally, socially, creatively, and intellectually. There will be new lesson plans created weekly. Our program will include the following daily activities:
Calendar & Daily Jobs
Letter, number, shape & color recognition
Art, Music & Movement, Sharing
Math, Science, Reading, Sensory Play, Language
Free Play

Throughout the month there will be special events, as well as field trips, special visits with senior friends, cooking, themed parties and birthday celebrations. 

Our Rates

Part Time: Monday-Friday 7:30-12:30 $175/weekly
Full Time: Monday-Friday 7:30-5:30 $200/weekly
Two weeks of payment is due prior to care. 

Annual Closure Dates

New Years Day
Memorial Day
Independence Day
Labor Day
Nevada Day
Thanksgiving Day & Family Day
Christmas Day 

Contact Information

Douglas County Community & Senior Center
1329 Waterloo Ln.
Gardnerville, NV 89410

Preschool Hours
7:30am- 5:30pm